Friday, September 12, 2008

You've Got to Be Kidding Me

From the ABC news website:

Former Clinton campaign communications director Howard Wolfson characterized her foreign policy answers as "formulaic and unimpressive."
"She didn't say anything disqualifying, but it is unlikely that anyone watching would have come away sanguine about her ability to step in as president on day one if necessary," Wolfson wrote in his New Republic blog "The Flack."
"Don't expect to see her do many more ... the McCain campaign knows they will pay a price for keeping Gov. Palin from the national press -- but they also know that price is worth paying if it buys them insurance against her giving a disqualifying answer to a legitimate question." ABC news website:

This is news? A Clinton supporter giving Palin a less than rosy review? Wow, we are talking newsflash here folks: "Stop The Presses, Extra, Extra Read All About It!!!!!!"

Next thing you know, in unbiased reporting, the Green Bay press will start to suggest the "Bears Still Suck".


Anonymous said...

are you saying the critique is inaccurate and that she did a great job on the interview?

Anonymous said...

Two interviews later, Wolfson's analysis looks dead on.