Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Couric and VP Candidate Interviews

Yes, Palin didn't exactly shine sitting down with Couric. Delivery and content were weak. Analysts pointing this out were right in pointing it out. A few analysts though might have gone over the top wondering on the basis of this interview that she might be replaced on the ticket.

Less press and analysis went towards the Couric interview with Biden. Particularly when he had his own Dan Qualyle moment.

"When the stock market crashed, Franklin Roosevelt got on the television and didn't just talk about the princes of greed. He said, 'Look, here's what happened.'"

Hoover was President in 1929 at the time of the market collapse and TV was in the experimental stage and there were no commercial stations.

And yet there is not much press and analysis of this 'oops'. The only big story is Palin's halting delivery.


Anonymous said...

If Biden makes a gaffe in the VP debate (as many people expect) it will get plenty of attention.

That said I would agree that Biden's gaffes have not got nearly as much attention as Palin's, though John Stewart as had plenty of fun at Biden's expense.

Note, however, that Biden's gaffes recieved far more attention when he was running for president than now.

I can think of several reasons why Biden is not getting the same attention as Palin:

1) Biden has been around a long time and ran for president twice. he is old news and his gaffes are old news. Palin is unknown to most and anything about her is newsworthy, so it should not be a surprise that she gets more media coverage.

2)Biden has an established reputation as being well informed on the issues and so is regarded as a smart polician who says dumb things. Only political hacks question his knowledge of the issues. Palin has yet to establish a reputation of any kind. Until she does, every word gets scrutinized. She may be smart, but she has yet to show it.

3) Given McCain's age and history of cancer, his VP pick is bound to get more attention than Obama's.

We shall see Thursday. Looking at video of Alaskan gubernatorial debates, Palin is very, very good at articulate nonanswers

Anonymous said...

Roosevelt WAS the Governor of New York in 1929, and he DID give a WGY-Schenectady radio address on the crash on October 26th 1929. WGY-TV Schenectady was also experimentally broadcasting television programs in 1929. Whether or not Roosevelt ever appeared on such a broadcast is yet to be determined, but it is entirely possible (granted unlikely), but possible.

Anonymous said...

So anon 3:13 you are hedging your bets that Biden meant Roosevelt spoke as a gov'nr on an experimental TV station?

Wow! I don't want to play against him in Trivial Pursuit.

Anonymous said...

Actually FDR was indeed the first preseident to appear on television. It was on April 30, 1939 at the World's Fair. Different event, different decade, Biden got three of the four digits in the year correct. Close but no cigar as they used to say.

Anonymous said...

...please where can I buy a unicorn?

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