Saturday, November 22, 2008


We've got one of those awful anniversaries upon us and the cable news shows are doing their best to mark it: 45 years since JFK's assassination.

On CNN this morning though, they run through it and state that Lee Harvey Oswald was 'accused' of the assassination and was shot to death 2 days after the assassination. Is there anyone other than Oliver Stone who thinks otherwise? Ever hear of the Warren Commission?

To be sure Harvey wasn't convicted of the killing because he never went to trial courtesy of Jack Ruby. But for CNN to say that Lee Harvey Oswald merely was 'accused' is beyond all logic and becomes revisionist history.

We have a news network saying a presidential assassin was 'accused' while running seemingly non-stop repeats of a former VP candidate in front of some redneck turkey ranch. And we wonder why our students don't have a better grasp of history?

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