Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Can't Take A Joke

Political parody has been around for centuries. Think Punch magazine satiring the UK and monachary in the mid-1800's

Modern political satire coming form Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, Bill Maher and others encourages a healthy debate. Recently Tina Fey's dead-on rendition of Sarah Palin has been great. I can't seeing anyone disagreeing that a little political satire is fun.

To be sure, some of it is slanted. Humor usually is slanted, that is why we are amused. It tickles our funny bone because we were not expecting it. Yet, in most political satire there is a grain of truth.

On Saturday Night Live this past weekend, we saw a great skit in the tradition of the long history of their political satire. Watch here:

It seems though, this skit went too far by poking fun at major Democratic supporters George Soros and Herb Sandler. Apparently they can't take a joke. The clip is disappearing faster the the Packer playoff chances. After protests by both Soros and Sandler, it was taken off the NBC website. It disappeared from YouTube and Hula.

I like satire and political parody but it seems the new message coming from Democratic supporters is that it is all well and good to go after Republicans and Republican supporters but Democrats and Democratic supporters are off limits.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A crying shame. I enjoyed the satires of both Palin and Soros.
By the way it is great to there is someone else who remembers that great magazine Punch