Thursday, February 21, 2008

NY Times & McCain


The New York Times,, is running an expose on the premise that Sen John McCain was friendly with a lobbyist. It takes great pains to point out that while some of his staff have said there was no illicit romantic affair, they wanted to make sure that one didn’t happen. And nothing happened either, but they just wanted to make sure the public didn’t get the wrong idea. Mind you this was all eight years ago.

Elsewhere we find Sen Barrack Obama completing a sweetheart deal in 2005 with the now indicted Tony Rezko to buy his multi-million dollar house. There was no appearance of impropriety in the deal, there was actual impropriety. For what ever reason, The Trib is the only real media outlet that is covering this saga in depth,,0,6857272.story.

Which one is the bigger story, the one about McCain not having an affair but gasp, looking like he might have an affair or the one about Obama doing a real estate deal with a now indicted lobbyist?

Yep, I guess we know the answer!


Anonymous said...

2.5 months without a post again...SAD!!!

Douglas McCloud said...

Hmmmm, and your blog is what exactly?

Thanks for your pithy commentary!