Monday, October 8, 2007

Could This Happen Here

This was brought up this morning by a fellow faculty member; the UW financial aid office contacting students to rally for Gov Doyle's budget. This is at WTMJ's website

I would hope, but I'm not confident, that this couldn't happen here (how about that US Bank deal). Regardless of one's stance on Doyle or the budget (which needs to get settled)it is patently wrong of a staff member to glean students for a press conference. What is next? Do we as faculty members get a request to troll for our students, too?

When we as a university start asking students to do something i.e. support a political budget we are abdicating our responsibilities as educators. To a student, getting an email such as one that went out at UW, there is an undercurrent of 'do this or else'. We are here to educate students in their chosen fields and we can educate them on the political process and not suggest that they participate on one side or the other. Students learn and discover what is right and wrong according to their own political leanings.

That memo shouldn't have gone out and I hope it doesn't happen here.


Anonymous said...

You really have a low opinion of our students. They're not children.

Anonymous said...

It already has... October 10 in Reeve Union from 11:45 AM to 1:00 PM for the Gov's visit and news conference.