Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Getting back to campus now for the start of the Fall semester, it has been fun to catch up with colleagues. Rumour has it, from a very lowly placed source, that our humble campus is now the proud owner of a new golfcart. Said golfcart it has been heard, has been purchased for the very expressed purpose of ferrying one Vice Chancellor about campus, perhaps with a student assistant as the driver.

Comments anyone? I'm certain someone can comment knowledgeably on this. And yes, welcome back!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Campus Information Kiosks

Every time I walk by one of these things I have to chuckle. There is one adjacent to Lot 15 across from Reeve and one on the corner of High & Osceola. I really like the picture serving as the backdrop for the Spring 2008 listings. You know that picture, four college age adults flying a kite on gorgeous sand beach surrounded by lush greenery and multi-story developments.

I can’t really seem to place that scene on our campus. Likewise, haven’t seen it on Lakes Butte des Morts or Winnebago.

Must be around here somewhere-alas-I’ll just have to keep looking!